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Help Sheffield Children's Hospital Raise Funds For New Intensive Care Ambulance.


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I've just sponsored him..

I've needed the childrens hospital a couple of times for my kids... For nothing serious thankfully..:)

God forbid my kids should ever need the Paediatric Intensive Care Ambulance, but if they did, I'd be so grateful to the people that helped towards paying for it..:)


Thanks so much, Sarah. We really appreciate every single donation.

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I totally support Sheffield Children's Hospital and in doing so i have arranged a fundraising evening in sheffield.


Details can be seen in the ' GOING OUT IN SHEFFIELD - ALL OTHER EVENTS ' section



good luck with your own fundraising mate.


Thanks Eric_the_man! We have had to set up our own fund for the ambulance and can't have funds from the main charitable fund until we've raised a certain ammount (as I understandit).

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your welcome mate.


Sheffield Children's Hospital Charity has been a passion for me and i have organised many evenings to raise cash for them.


it is and has been for the past three years to run two events a year to raise the much needed funds for them.


as ive always said, we have all either had kids, got kids or know of kids that have been in there at some time. and what does it hurt to give something back, so what if its out of our own pockets and not the tax........




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A colleague of mine is doing a sponsored trek to raise funds for a new Paediatric Intensive Care Ambulance.


You can sponsor him and read more about the ambulance here:




All contributions will be most gratefully received, and I'm sure you'll all agree that this is a most worthy cause that will help the most critically ill children in our region.


Isn’t the cost of the trip to the Himalayas costing more than thr£5.5k needed? Just a question, other than that I would be glad to sponsor you.

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Isn’t the cost of the trip to the Himalayas costing more than thr£5.5k needed? Just a question, other than that I would be glad to sponsor you.


Hi MR!chop. Sorry, I don't know what the full details of the cost are (it's my colleague doing the trek). I know that he has to pay for part of the trip and also raise a minimum amount of sponsorship money.

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Isn’t the cost of the trip to the Himalayas costing more than thr£5.5k needed? Just a question, other than that I would be glad to sponsor you.


TBH, I'll gladly send some money, but I don't realy want to sponsor the guy to go on (effectively) a nice walking holliday.


Sorry if that sounds a bit harsh.

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TBH, I'll gladly send some money, but I don't realy want to sponsor the guy to go on (effectively) a nice walking holliday.


Sorry if that sounds a bit harsh.


No problem! I know some people object to these sort of sponsored events.


If you really do want to make a donation, you can still do it through the link, or PM me and I'll let you know where to send your donation to.


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It would be nice to know if it would be of more benefit for the treck fund to be donated to the bus, and more cost effective local fundraising was sought.

It is not a massive amount; and I think the treck would cost at least £2k per person not including money and food needed whilst there.

I dont object to these sort of events, its just when the activity would cost a lot more the the money need to be raised.

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because it's not actually essential


West Yorkshire Ambulance service used to run 4 'intensive care ambulances' one has been scrapped and the other 3 converted for middle tier use because the current YAS new vehicles provide the same as standard the the old intensive care Ambulances did ( extra Oxygen, mains inverter allowing you to run 240 vac devices ) ...


the main reason for running dedicated ICU vehicles now is to store equipment on the vehicle rather than rely on it all being 'person portable' in packs ...


Well I guess that depends on your definition of essential.


We've shown that having a dedicated PICU ambulance cuts our response time dramatically, when you are dealing with children who are literally at deaths door those extra minutes make all the difference. So try telling the parents of a child who needs to get to a paediatric intensive care unit that it's not essential.


You also have to remember that we are talking about paediatrics here. We have to be equipped to deal with children from birth to 18 yrs, having our dedicated ambulance means we can carry such a broad range of equipment.


One other sad duty that having our own ambulance has allowed is that on occasion we are able to take terminally ill children who have become dependant on ICU technology home, to die peacefully at home, rather than in the middle of a busy Intensive Care unit.


I know that raising funds for a vital piece of equipment is a contentious issue, but believe me, it is essential, we do need it and this is the only way we're going to get it.

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