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How Bad Mannered- no thanks from others


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I always shout "you're welcome". I'll get beaten to a pulp one day, but I can't help it!


I used to do that, or say 'thanks' loudly. Nowadays I just feel quietly superior to people unable to display the most basic manners. :hihi: It takes so little effort to be polite and helpful, and makes other people feel good - so why be rude! I think its very ignorant to have a purse handed in and not thank the finder - I wonder if the person who lost if would have been so honest if she'd found someone else's?

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I once held a gate at school open for a mum who was taking her time getting out of the car with her child. It was one of those gates where you have to be buzzed in by reception and as it can sometimes take a long time so I thought I be kind and wait. She went swanning past without saying anything:rant: so I said 'well thankYOU' so she could hear, at which point she lost her footing and fell quite dramatically on her backside:clap: I even managed not to laugh out loud but it made my day.

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Given what all is in my purse, if I was in that woman's situation I would be ott grateful and thanking you.


Also, you could easily have been one of these people to just lift out the money / cards etc so she should've been grateful that she got it back in one piece.


I hate people with no manners. It's my biggest peeve.

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I might just be the suspicious type, but this sounds a little dodgy to me

Immediately the person she was serving shouted her friend and told her her purse had been found.

Now I'm so glad it went back to it's rightful owner BUT... am I being picky to have expected "thankyou"

Not a word. Just took it from the cashier who pointed me out and they turned their back and left.

I would like to think some one would be honest enough to hand mine in if the occasion happened but I KNOW I would have said thankyou.

sounds more like someone over hearing the found purse, their mate claiming it and them making off with it, hence the lack of thanks and quick get away.


Did anyone check her name or anything before the purse was handed over or am I just being too suspicious here?

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