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What Pet do you suggest???


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Ive recently lost my pet Ferret. Old age bless him.


Ive now got a huge cage that stands empty and id really like to fill it.


But with what?? Ive had quite a few Ferrets over the years so im looking for ideas for an alternative.


Any suggestions.




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How about a pair of bunnies (depending on hutch/cage size)? Of course you would need to buy a run or have a secure garden too. Alternativley due to their clean nature they can be litter trained to live indoors in a cage with a playpen or free run of a room. :)


Rabbit are very intelligent and sociable animals who make fabulous pets and sadly there are hundreds waiting with rescues and fosterers accross the country for homes at the moment. The dumping season is upon us :(

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whirlow hall farm have 2 baby lops (i think their lops anway:confused: )

Both female, one black and one grey very active and friendly, looking for homes.

Not too sure on the price i think they are £40 the pair. (they decided on a higher price so that kids cant just walse up and buy them)

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