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Yes. Good news for all you Due South fans!


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I am a big fan of Due south and i know there are some other people out there who are as well. It was only being shown on ITV3 and then they took it off replacing it with lovejoy.


I was persistant in getting ITV3 to repeat it for all us due south fans and woohoo they've done it.


Its now on five days a week on ITV3...welcome back Benton Fraser sorry lovejoy fans.


From Fallen

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Quite ramdomly, since although I watched it when it was first on, I never really talked about it much afterwards, but my mother bought me season one on DVD for Christmas.


I'd forgotten how good this series was. It's really well written, and the music in it is fantastic.


I'm fairly certain I remember the Victoria's Secret episode being great too.

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Victorias secret is my favourite, Sarah Machlachan plays her music in that and she is the greatest Canadian singer ever.


ITs actually quite fully because paul gross, Benton Fraser sings some songs for the series and was in a band. He was quite a bad ass back then, like to smoke and stuff but he still has that polite manner and the Canadian goodiness.


Ray Kowalski (Callum Keith Rennie) is also quite a tough guy off the set. He was in a film called Supiscious river...and he was baaaaaaaad (but quite sexy as well if i might add lol)


I think they all did absolutely brilliant acting and i love the places it is set and the script (Which paul Gross helped write).

I must admit i have watched the due south box sets over and over again and still watch it on TV. I think i am quite a whizz at it now and still dont find it boring.


Paul Gross and Callum make it even more watchable...*drools*


From Fallen

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Amsterdamned i think its great you think its great. I am glad ITV have finally started showing it again.


Perhaps if they see people still enjoy watching it they will keep it on a loop :D i'd never get bored lol.


Hey is there there three box sets or two because i have two box sets but i keep thinking some are missing, my mum recently got me a two boxset boxset thing and my dad got me a single boxset...i think i have one missing...is anyone confused yet?


From Fallen

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Well if i remember rightly i have a boxset three and four and a box set one. I did get one from america cause it was for my birthday but turned up late. The other one i bought from choices.


Oh no that means i have to search for box set two...*Cries*


From Fallen

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