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My new MK1 Fiesta 1100L


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Hello everyone I know theres quite a few people on here into their Mk1s so I thought I would put a few pics up of my car, got it off ebay about a month ago with 56000 miles on the clock just had a new clutch, battery, brake pads and I put a new alternator on it after it broke down on the motorway on christmas eve! has run fine since though. Is good fun to drive much better than a horrible new plastic car, if you see me driving round Sheffield say hello


my car




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I,ve seen that kicking around just around the corner from our house. Give us a toot if you see us in Phylis. Won't be in the area much longer though as we are hopefully moving this week. Boyfriend will still be working in the area though and using the Fiesta.

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Phylis is looking a bit rough around the edges now but on the plus side after a week in the local garage she is running sweet as a nut. She will be making the journey to Santa Pod again this year and will be having a major overhaul in the months after that.

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Both my gold MK I's are looking a bit dishevelled after the winter! Hope to find the time for a real good session on both of them in the Spring before the rust starts to kick in....small but worrying patches are beginning to appear in the usual places, front wings mainly......have to get out my waxoyl and sander as soon as the weather improves....

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I think Phylis is a bit beyond the snader and Waxoyl. One front wing is well shot, the bonnet has a lovely dent in the middle where i drove into a post, the rear wheel arches are going, the MOT tester pointed out the front cross member is going (after passing her) and the doors are bailing out. But not to worry she will get sorted after Santa Pod this year.

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My front wings have had better days as well, I put some curust on them an it seems to have slowed the rust down a bit still pretty bad though, is the area around the head lightsat the very front of the wings the rest of it is sound though an it runs like a dream.

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