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Buses on Bole Hill Rd

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Hi everyone - im not too sure what or where I have to go to do something about this but its driving me crackers!!!!


I live on Bole Hill Rd at the top end by Bole Hill Lane and the amount of buses on this route is just RIDICLOUS!!!!


I mean at rush hour I am counting around 20 buses an hour!!! Maybe even more!! I mean that rate is ridiculous and they are streaming past my house making ridiculous amounts of noise......and the worst thing is that there is no one on the bloody things!!!


Where do I go to complain about this or talk to someone about it?


We are not all lucky enough to afford double glazing and therefore knock out the sound. I literally feel as though they are in my living room as I type here.


Is there anyone else on Bole Hill Rd that is fed up of this amount of buses? I mean dont get me wrong, we need public transport but this is ridiculous!!!!!

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Yeah I have started to do that - I phoned the up and emailed them last time and they said they would reviw it and id hear back but I never heard anything back.


Its just driving me crazy - I was wondering if there was anywhere in the council i could complain too as it is doing my nut it. I mean it must be a noise pollution problem aswell to be honest as they make a massive racket.

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The 95 bus terminus has been at Tinker Lane for donkeys years - nowhere else the 95 can turn safely- and I think you are overstating the number of buses - even when we had cheap bus fares in the 70's and 80's there was only a bus every ten minutes (double deckers then).

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Seriously - I am counting the 6th bus in 30 minutes and thats off peak - im not making up the numbers in the slightest.


We get 2 bus companies coming down here and im just saying that I dont think the regualirty or the numbers are justified for the amount of people on them.

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Have you lived up there long?


I agree that few people use the 95 (and derivatives) between the end of South Road and the terminus - but the terminus is built in the only place they can realistically get the bus to turn round safely.


The 52 doesn't carry many people through the Heavygate estate either (and it's probably a more frequent service).

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Sorry to be a bit unsympathetic, but you do live on a bus route - didn't you think about the potential noise before you moved in?


As has been said, the 95 has turned round at Tinker Lane for donkey's years - and apart from the occasional 123, there's not any more buses going up that way than there have been for at least 20 years.


Double (triple?) glazing is good....



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