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Mr Pot Noodle Dies (aged 96)

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Whenever I hear about Pot Noodle, I remember a nutritionist expert speaking on the radio a few years ago, when he said that as regards goodness, health benefits and the like, by all means open a Pot Noodle....

Then empty all contents into the nearest bin, and eat the container instead...

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Apparantly he based it on the food he saw people eating in the dark days after WW2, it was warm, tasty and nutritious.

When people are living in poverty this is what they need.

The man made a fortune from this.

He may have learned this from the black market days, take a tiny bit from everyone, and make a great deal.

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*bow* *bow*


Respect to the guy.

I love Nissin noodles too. I can't believe that he still ate noodles way into his old age. That does say something !


I wouldn't mind working for Nissin. I think some of their products are much healthier than led to be believed. This guy invented the Cup Noodle, not Pot Noodle. There's quite a lot of difference in Nissin's products and some of the other brands of instant noodles too. Dry noodles are like dry pasta. It's the powder stock which makes the meal unhealthy. Though, I wouldn't live solely on instant noodles throughout my life, but a lot of people do eat instant noodles, and they cook it with other things to make it a whole meal.

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