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What Should Be Kept In Personal Work File?

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We are still having problems obtaining full details of a personal work file.

The employer has stated that full access to all files has been granted, but when the first file was obtained there was a lot of information missing.

The employer then had to look somewhere else and found other parts of the missing file, surely all these items should have been kept together?

Amongst the original file supplied were files belonging to the persons relative who had the same employer, this person shared the same initial and surname but had been deceased since 1992.

A letter to the employers from their own company solicitor and for the employers attention only was also included.

Items still missing are, details and dates of exams taken, details and dates of applications for promotion, details regarding a road accident the person was involved in, an industrial injury that was sustained at work and a case of harrasment by a manager.

Also we would like to know if it is acceptable to have been kept waiting for these details nearly four months.

I would be very grateful if you can offer any advice.




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welcome to the complex world of personnel files!!


Personnel files can contain anything related to the individual - contracts; forms; e-mails other staff members have sent regarding the individual; minutes from meetings.


Normally when you want to request a personnel file, you send a cheque for £10 and a written request. Upon receiving that request, the company / organisation have 40/42 days on which to provide you with your file. If they fail to do so, then you can make a complaint to the information commissioner (details on web).


Now if you are unhappy with the content - stuff missing etc - you can also complain to the information commissioner.


I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong!!


There are loads of loopholes though for companies. I tried to get hold of my personnel file once to prove unfair dismissal. The company refused me any info on the grounds of some legal loophole. After the case was finished I managed to eventually get it, and could see why they didn't want me to have it in the first place. They had also left out info which proved my case.


Good luck with what you are trying to do

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hi i have being a manager for large pub chain they had lots personel files.there are certain things that must be in there for a legal req

1. there must be a signed contact

2. a copy of staff hand book recived

3.a copy of opt out class for 48 hour working week in toatal im sure about 15 things are a must and they must let you see alli contents within 48 hours of written request see job centre they should give you free advise

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