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Kombucha - ever tried it?

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just looking at how to boost your immune system and came across kombucha =a fermented drink made from sweet tea and a Kombucha mushroom which has apparently lots of health benefits.


Is anybody actually drinking this tea? Would you agree, is it doing you any good? Where would you get the starter mushroom from?


Please let me know what your experiences are!


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Maybe not quite what you want to hear, but a dear friend of mine was given 6 months after her cancer kicked back in again and she rejected chemo.


She actually lived a very vibrant and fulfilling five years after that.

She swore that it was her Kombucha that made the difference.

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My partner used to brew it a few years ago,and said he really felt the benefits.I was either pregnant or breastfeeding for the duration that he was into it,so only ever tried a few sips.It was o.k but I just found the idea of it a bit odd! When it's growing it used to remind me of a placenta in amniotic fluid!!But maybe thats just what I had going on in my life at the time!

Anyway he just got a new culture off Ebay, and set up brewing again yesterday, I don't really know much about it,but do intend to research it as apparently there have been many great claims made about it.

I think a new culture grows on the first,which can be given away for someone else to use.So he says we should have a spare one available in a few weeks,you would be welcome to have.I was thinking we'd probably give them away via freecycle or something.

I think I'll give it ago this time and see if I notice any great benefits.

I'd also be interested to hear what anyone else thinks about it.

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Thanks for your replies!

Peakma, I would be interested to hear how you get on. And it would be great if I could have a piece of yours when it has grown a bit.

I know it was quite a big thing at one time with Kombucha, lots of people had them, I think, I had one myself but didn't like the look of it and wasn't good at feeding it regularly etc at that time, but that is a long time ago and I don't recall any benefits, but then, I don't think I gave it a try really.

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I don't know much about it,but I know you don't need all this paraphernalia for sale on all these sites.

My partner just bought his culture on ebay for about £4 inc postage,then you just need some ordinary green tea (I think he adds sugar?) and lets the tea cool,adds the culture, and leaves it to brew somewhere reasonably warm(I think a week or two).He's using a big old glass sweetie jar,you can use anything with a decent size opening so it can breathe,thats not plastic e.g ceramic or glass.

So it really doesn't need to be as expensive as these sites selling stuff make out,they just want your money! So don't be put off by original set up costs.

If anyone needs any advice on what do do ,I'm happy to ask him for you.

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I have just restarted my Kombucha brewing - did it many years ago and had forgotten just how good it is. After 1 month I am already feeling much brighter. I use four fruit teabags - 1 green teabag - 250 grms sugar and 3 pints of water.

It takes a while to get used to the taste - some people add vinegar but I think it tastes vinegary enough without it. Its left to brew for 8 days - if you start Monday the next time is Tuesday - then Wednesday etc.

I hate having to throw my mushroom away - but it can be placed in the compost bin so more recycling.

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Can all the family drink this ?

I might follow the recipe above,Whats this about a mushroom where do you get the mushroom from ?

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Well both me and my husband drink it - not sure that the children would like it - its an acquired taste. Its extremely good for arthritis sufferers. You may find this site interesting - I use 4 fruit bags and 1 ordinary - which is 3 litres - that makes two litre wine bottles full.



I got my mushroom from a friend - unfortunately I dont live near Sheffield or you could have one of my cast-offs. You also need 1/2 pint of the liquid to use as the starter.

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