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Restoring / repairing Windows components from CD

Banjo Griner

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Does anyone know how to do this? I did it ages ago when my System Restore files disappeared, and it was done via Start>Run and typing in something or other (wish I'd made a note of it). It basically starts a scan of all your Windows components and checks they're all intact. You need your CD at hand to do it as it replaces missing bits - I seem to have been trojan-ed, so need to repair my system.


I'd really appreciate any help.

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I presume you're on about the System File Checker.


Run the 'sfc' command from a command prompt.


The available switches are:

/SCANNOW        Scans all protected system files immediately.
/SCANONCE       Scans all protected system files once at the next boot.
/SCANBOOT       Scans all protected system files at every boot.
/REVERT         Return scan to default setting.
/PURGECACHE     Purges the file cache.
/CACHESIZE=x    Sets the file cache size.

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