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What do you think to Finger Knitting?


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I've been thinking recently about teaching my kids to knit. (James 8 and Holly 4). I'm bidding on some kids knitting needles at the minute on Ebay but if I don't get them, I'll surely get some different ones. I was just looking on the tinternet for some tips when I came across finger knitting. I think I've heard of it before, in my dim and distant past, but I can't say I've ever done it. It looks ok though from the pictures (knitty). I'll let you know how we all get on.:D

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I must admit that although I've heard of it before, I don't know the first thing about it. Is it meant to be a way of introducing children to knitting, before introducing them to the needles, or is it an entirely separate method of knitting?


I'll have to check out that Knitty article.

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It gives a nice loopy effect, doesn't it? I'd think about getting one of the kids' knitting kits too though. The sooner you can indoctrinate them, the better :D .

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I used to do this as a kid. To be honest though, it didn't really help us to learn to knit, it was more by way of a bit of fun, a bit like french knitting. All we ever produced was a long snake which we then sewed in a round mat. When we did learn to knit, we did it on short needles with thick wool.

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There was an article in finger knitting in a recent SK or Knitting mag. I lent my copy to a group of young folk going to the Ukraine last week to do fibre based crafts with children. I have a copy of the article which is very similar to the Knitty method. I also have kids knitting needles....:)

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