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The life of a unwanted dog.. "do i go back home today?" A poem, please read...


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For anyone out there thinking about buying a puppy or bredding you dog, read this first, there are so many unwanted litters and dogs all over the country needing loving homes....choose a rescue dog first....


Do I Go Back Home Today?


When my family first bought me to live within their home. They cuddled and they pampered me and groomed with brush and comb.


They played with me and laughed with me and showered me with toys. I sure do love my family, and all the tiny girls and boys.


The children loved to feed me; and give me special treats. They even let me sleep with them - all cosy in their sheets


I used to go for lovely walks, often several times a day. They even fought to hold my lead, I'm so very proud to say!


These are the things I'll not forget - a cherished memory. for now I'm in a shelter, bereft of family.


They used to laugh and praise me when I played with that old shoe. But I didn't know the difference between the old one and the new


The kids and I would grab a rag, and for hours we played tug. So I thought I did the right thing when I chewed that bedroom rug.


They said that I had lost control and would have to live outside. I didn't really understand this, though I really really tried!


The walks they stopped one by one; they said they had no time. I wish that I could change things; I wish I knew my crime.


My life became so lonely shackled to a metal chain. I barked and barked continually I thought I'd go insane.


So they took me to the shelter but were embarrassed to say why. So they said I'd caused an allergy, then said their last goodbye.


If only I'd had training, as a tiny little pup. I wouldn't have been so hard to live with, when I was all grown up.


You only have one day left", I heard the kennel man say. Does that mean I have a second chance? "Do I go back home today"?


:(:(:( :( :(:(:(

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How many people have told me off for keeping Brude under control (because he's so cute)? :roll:


How many people say caging is cruel? :mad:


I have a dog who knows how to behave in a non-dog environment, and has a happy, varied, fun filled life


I wonder when the RSPCA are going to come knocking (as one woman threatened me with :mad: )?


I believe it's time us council tax papying dog owners got more for our money!


Better facilities for excercising dogs securely so they can be trained and subsidised training classes, and/or pet sessions in schools :thumbsup:

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How many people have told me off for keeping Brude under control (because he's so cute)? :roll:


How many people say caging is cruel? :mad:


I have a dog who knows how to behave in a non-dog environment, and has a happy, varied, fun filled life


I wonder when the RSPCA are going to come knocking (as one woman threatened me with :mad: )?


I believe it's time us council tax papying dog owners got more for our money!


Better facilities for excercising dogs securely so they can be trained and subsidised training classes, and/or pet sessions in schools :thumbsup:


Was this meant to go in theis thread?! :huh:

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