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Help......................been feeling "rough" for a few days now,very fluey.......woke up this morning covered in spots.....ive got chicken pox :gag:


I,ve heard it can be quite bad in adults,do i need to see a doctor?....is there anything they can do?....how long do i have to stay in quarentine for?............great end to the year,covered in spots and feeling like ive gone ten rounds with tyson!!!

Any advice much appreciated.

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Ooh, soory to hear that Deano! I had it when I was 18 and was poorly for nearly 3 weeks! the general cencus of opinion is that you're infectious until the last of the spots has scabbed over. Calamine lotion or a tepid bath with bicarbonate of soda will help the itchy spots, and paracetamol to help any temperature will all go towards making yourselfa bit more comfortable. Get someone to bring you round some soups - the spots in my mouth made eating a bit uncomfortable and chicken soup (ironically) kept me going.


Hope you feel better soon!

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OK...here we go :




Avoid contact with pregnant women as the virus can be problematic for the baby, and pregnancy also increases the risk of complications form chickenpox for the mother.


The only other bit of advice is don't scratch - you can end up with some pretty nifty scars, and there is also the risk of infection of the scratched spots.


Not much that the medics will do unless you get the complications (which are not common) like pneumonia and encephalitis. best treatment is the usual rest, paracetamol and calamine lotion to ease the itching of the spots.


You're infectious until all your spots have scabbed over and dried out.

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Thanks guys.................feeling pretty sorry for myself at the moment:(


You will, mate. The only other bit of practical advice that worked for me years ago was not to get too hot - it made me itch more.


I had it as a kid and I was farmed out to the local parents who wanted their offspring to get it as well.


I was too young to realise I should have charged. :)

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You will, mate. The only other bit of practical advice that worked for me years ago was not to get too hot - it made me itch more.


I had it as a kid and I was farmed out to the local parents who wanted their offspring to get it as well.


I was too young to realise I should have charged. :)

Lol..............ive heard that,mothers trying to get their kids to catch it.......just read a journal of a chap with adult chickenpox.....mmmm i may be in for a bumpy ride lol...........only 1 in 10 adults get chickenpox.....so i'm special :D

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