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Any advice on stopping a dog scent marking?


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Don't bother having him done for it. My neutered 12 year old scent marks every two steps - although not in the house.


I'm afraid, I'm not big up on scent marking but I will take a look and see if I can find any advice for you just DON'T put him through an op at his age that will be very unlikely to do anything to help the problem.

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Thanks for the reassurance Lotti. I couldn't bear the thought of putting him through that. He's the most gentle and loving dog, so we've never even thought of having him done.

To be honest, the Vet's words were "I've never seen a 12 year old Doberman"!, so I suspect they wouldn't do the op at his age anyway!

Anything you can find to help me would be most welcome...as I said - he's never done this before, so I have no idea how to stop him!

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Scent marking (spraying) in the house can occur with entire males. One of ours does it, usually in response to some change, pups in the house at the moment is the trigger, but can also be due to a nearby bitch in season, a new addition (animal or human) in the house etc etc. Neutering SHOULD cure spraying indoors, otherwise, its a tough problem to crack.

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Looking at this from an entirely different angle, could he be suffering from one of the other things that cause weeing (cystitis, bladder stones or tumour, prostate gland problems)?


It does seem very strange to get all of the way to 12 years old and then to start.


Has your vet done any tests to rule out organic changes and infections?

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I wouldn't think about stressing him by changing too many things around him until you've got the results of the tests Beancounter- I think this is more likely to be age related and organic in nature than down to an emotional change at his age.

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