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Prostitutes in sheffield


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A amte of mine had unprotected sex with a street prostitute recently when well drunk.......she told him she got checked regularly and was fine.



Do you think there is much hiv/aids amongst sheffield prostitutes?..........do u think they do get checked out at the clinic?.....and do u think there are many of them who have hiv and know abot it and still work?




Someone told me that most people who have Hiv in Britain have been infected abroad in places like sub saharan africa

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there are many more infections that you can get from lasses that are not prostitutes! U pay your money you take your chance mate. As for sleeping with prostitutes, i hope your friend is going to tell any future partners that he has slept with one. Did he use a condom? If not, i suggest he goes to the g.u clinic at hallamshire hospital and within the next 6 months, gets another check. Why couldn't he just watch a film with his right hand for company like everyone else, its a lot safer!

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...she told him she got checked regularly and was fine. ...

That might be the case, but then again it might not. He should go to his GP or a GUM clinic to get checked for the standard range of STIs. If he explains the situation, the doctor will arrange the appropriate tests.


I'm not up to date on the current testing conditions for HIV, but a HIV blood test generally requires a wait of a few months after contact. This is to give time for the antibodies to the virus to build up. The clinic will explain it all though.

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lovely! sounds marvelous!


I would suggest he get down the clinic and get cheched asap - and again in 6 months (as it takes up to 6 months for hiv to show up on tests)


I agree with bigang - i hope he tells any future sexual partners about his escapade. - they have a right to know.


I don't mind being honest and saying that I once got chlamedyia (from a twit of a boyfriend). - I found out after I broke up with him, I phoned him to tell him (as it can cause infertility) and he was just an arrogant twit still saying that I couldn't have caught it from him. In the end I gave his details to the clinic to chase him themselves.

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Think about it, if he has, who else has?


If this girl was so irresponsible to allow your “mate” to be unsafe, do you think she also has frequent check ups?


Get him down to the clap clinic ASAP and get checked over. It’s not just HIV that needs checking, there’s other things that need looking at too. Chlamydia can cause PID in girls. There’re other diseases too.


Totally confidential, get down to the clinic.

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