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Steroids.. Whats the deal?..

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They can be taken in tablet form as well.


True enough. :)


Intramuscular injections can be pains in the rear (literally) to give and receive. :) As was pointed out, if you hit a blood vessel it can be a bit uncomfortable to say the least.

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True enough. :)


Intramuscular injections can be pains in the rear (literally) to give and receive. :) As was pointed out, if you hit a blood vessel it can be a bit uncomfortable to say the least.


Yeah I've heard of some horror stories about people that have injected it wrong!

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I'll admit to using em now and again and know a lot of users. I usually do a cycle once a year in time for the summer. Not everything posted already is accurate and they are not necessarily illegal unless you are selling them.


My advice would be to speak to the people at Rockingham Drug Project before you do anything - they will give you balanced information and provide you with sterile equipment should you choose to go ahead.


I've a PDF book on steroids so if you want a copy just pm me your e-mail address.


Jabberwocky - 18inch natural biceps is impressive!:thumbsup:

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Don't think it's cool at all. If someone killed my dog for just defending his territory then I'd make sure the idiot ate out of a tube for the rest of their life.


You wouldnt be a little worried??! He must be like Popeye or something..


Didn't Hercules kill a lion?? Thats gotta atleast half the equivalent.

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