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Steroids.. Whats the deal?..

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To take a short course is not incredibly dangerous. But its always tempting to just...do it for a week more... then... another week. Then you think "well, its working so well and i've already done it for an extra fortnight - i'll do it till the end of the month" and so forth.


Its true also, that when you stop taking them, you will lose a certain degree of the mass bulk you gained.

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If you're talking about anabolic steroids, you really need to see a documentary called 'The Man Whose Arms Exploded' for a frank and down to earth look at what anabolic steroids can do to the body.


There's a reason why they're illegal- it's all in the film. If you still contemplate using them after watching it then you need what's left of your brain looking at.

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There are lots of different sorts of steroids. Some are legal, some illegal, some legal but inadvisable, some widely used medicines. Which sort of steroids were you meaning?


Jus the ones that speed up the process of making you look better! Dont get me wrong i could probs do it without the help of em, but just wondered of the experiences and to see what they were actually like...


And ive been told you inject it, is this true?

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Jus the ones that speed up the process of making you look better! Dont get me wrong i could probs do it without the help of em, but just wondered of the experiences and to see what they were actually like...


And ive been told you inject it, is this true?


You're talking about anabolic steroids then- and whilst legally some of them are a bit of a grey area, it's wise to assume that buying and possessing them is illegal.


And yes, most of them are injected rather than taken by mouth, because you'd have to take huge doses if you took them orally as the liver takes most of the steroids out of circulation on the first pass.

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