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Steroids.. Whats the deal?..

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i know a few people who have used them and people using them right now.


Yea, anabolic steroids are illegal. They also have side effects. You'll get the acne and the short temper. Infact the guy I know using them right now has really bad spots all up his arms and a real crappy attititude. His temper is intolerable since he started injecting the junk into his arms.


On the other hand he's become a lot stronger and there are quick and noticible changes to his body, a vast difference in muscle mass.


The thing i'd be scared off is the fact that it can make your heart grow and cause large coronary problems. i.e I'd be scared of getting a heart attack before i'm 50.


why you fancy some?

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Also there is the fact that once you take them for body building you have to stay on them as the fat that remains if you stop is near impossible to shift. The bad attitude is also a problem. I know a couple of people who have taken them and I really wasn't fussed for them when they were on em. And for all you blokes. What about the decrease in size of ya penis. Thats enough to put me off alone!!!

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Anabolic Steroids are dangerous,physically & mentally. !! :suspect:

Not always, thats like saying alcohol is dangerous - its only a chemical, in essence a naturally produced chemical if i remember A-Level biology. Abusing them is dangerous, using them has its advantages and disadvantages but its not the worst crime ever.

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