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Squirrels botanic gardens they are fierce


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went to feed squirrels xams eve with our 5 and 3 year old in Botanic gardens, they are hungrey and fierce one took my 3yr olds glove and another chased my 5yr old for at least 10 yards until I scared it by doing some sort of warrior scream, beware when you go there.:loopy:

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Well they are wild animals, surely you didn't expect good manners.


All they will be concerned about is getting the food and scarpering, sure they have adapted to realising some humans carry food but them critters are far from tame.


I wouldn't let small children feed them but rather let them watch an adult or older child do it, but i guess you have worked that out for yourself now.


I hope the experience didn't put the children off squirrels for life though

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well i know the feeling me and my boyfriend went in the summer and we decided to sit on the grass for a bit and to my suprise 10 minutes later one ran up me and sat on my shoulder. I was very shocked!!


Hope your kids arent too tramatised....did you get the glove back?

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We've fed them loads of times and my son love it. They come and eat out of your hand and we've never had any problems with them at all. The only 'problem' we had once was a 'gang' of about 20 pigeons decided to follow him around after feeding the squirrels. Everywhere he walked the all followed him, if he ran, so did they! It was quite comical really!

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