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No buses boxing day...


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I don't suppose there will be many taxis, and they'll be very expensive? Any other options?

I always find walking very good for the health; you can get anywhere within Sheffield in less than a couple of hours.

How far do you need to travel? Less than five miles is less than a two hour stroll.

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Do the buses run a Sunday service tomorrow ? [edit - nope none tomorrow]


I know the trams are running, but its a sparse service [edit - Boxing Day Tuesday 26th December 2006 - 20 Minute service between 09:30 hours and 19:00 (Blue and Yellow routes only) ] [not much use if you are not on a tram route though]

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Get away you lazy bugger! Have a wee walk, do you good!


wont do my bad ankle good tho :rolleyes: struggle with a 10 min walk from the bus stop to work, so that will really bugger me up! and for all you know i might not be able to walk long distances...which i cant....so dont think you have the right to call me a lazy bugger!!!!

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And two hours back; and if you're not used to long-distance walks, this is NOT a good idea. You'll have blisters on top of blisters.


i once had to walk home from my mums, last new years day, took over 45 mins, most of it was uphill, the last 15 mins downhill.....never doing that again, even with trainers on my feet were killing me! :(

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