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Any Saggitarians out there?

Guest Pauly

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Since others are doing it and there wasn't enough room for a Saggie option on the recent poll thread I thought I'd do a shout out for any and all Saggitarians.


I'm one, 27th Nov. Any others? :)


Just so you know I'm a gas fitter but it's my second career as I changed jobs 3 years ago from being a web designer/technical illustrator. Typical Saggie trait apparently. Gets bored easy and difficult to tie down. :D

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I've been in my job for just over 2 years now and that's the longest I've ever been in one place. :suspect: I recently moved sideways a little within the company though so it's a bit of a change I guess. :D

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Ah so it's more of a pedantic post then. ;)



Depends what you mean by pedantry; your horoscope is supposed to depend on what sign of the Zodiac the Sun, Moon, and various planets were in when you were born.


When I was born, the Sun was in Sagittarius. If there's any truth to horoscopes, this makes me a Sagittarius, not a Capricorn. If there isn't, then I can call myself anything I want.

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