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One for the ladies pain in boob

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Once again the pain in my right boob has started just what i need before xmas. This has been going on all year. Ok for a few months and then its back with a vengence. Been taking pain killers but they are not working,been to the hospital lots of times and i just get antibiotics.It really hurts and inflamed any suggestions please.

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Where abouts is this pain?


My first suggestion - based on virtually no info ;) is that although you are used to the bras you are wearing, they may not be giving you the right support. You may have changed shape slightly, or your bras may have had their lifespan, and are no longer doing the job correctly. It may seem extravagant, but get yourself off to a proper lingerie supplier and have a propper fitting, then make sure you pay £35 upward to ensure you get all the support you need


Theory 2 - a reaction to deoderants you are using, causing glands to swell - again, based on no information available to pin this down


It sounds like something my mum was suffering from - and this is advice given to her ;)

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Hi Julie. I have suffered such pains as well, and it is awful! My pain was caused from a blocked milk duct, after giving birth to one of my babies. I couldn't take antibiotics because I was breastfeeding at the time. My midwife suggested using a bowl of hot water and a flannel.......to massage the breast with. It did help a lot. I don't know your circumstances, but I think that if it is un-related to childbirth, then you might have an infection there.

You say that you have been to the hospital lots of times and they only give you anti-biotics. Did your doctor refer you to the hospital?

Anyhow.....if you aren't happy with the treatment that your GP is giving you, then I would kick up a fuss. You could be suffering from mastitus, and it needs sorting out. It does sound as if you might have a blockage of some sort.

Good luck....and don't be fobbed off. Anti-biotics are the easy answer.......but certainly not the best solution.

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Hi the consultant said mine was a blocked mik duct and gave me antibiotics, every time it flares up i go to the doctors they in turn get me an appointment at the Hallamshire breast clinic by the time the appointment comes it has usually cleared up.Its driving me nuts. Wouldnt mind but im only a size 32A.

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Julie......it doesn't matter what size you are.......you are in pain and it needs sorting out. I suggest that you go back to your docs and tell them that you are not happy with the treatment that you are receiving. If the milk duct is causing an infection, and that infection isn't clearing up with anti-biotic treatment, then they have to look elsewhere. Please pester your GP. It is your right to have proper treatment. You obviously aren't receiving it at the moment. Please don't leave it...........it is your health at stake here.

Good luck.

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When I was younger I suffered with mastalgia and was prescribed evening primrose oil capsules and they worked. I wouldnt go and just buy them though, I got mine on prescription as the dose was 4 caps twice a day so it worked out cheaper. It took about a month for them to work but it was worth it. After taking them for several months it didnt re-occur. I think they were called Epogam or Efamast.

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