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Look North Last Night


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Did anybody see Look North last night after the 10 o'clock news? They had technical problems, and it was hilarious! There was no autocue and every time they tried to go to an item it didn't happen! Poor Ian White was left trying to fill a 5 minute bulletin by reading out the Look North web address over and over again very slowly!


He coped ok in the end, I especially like it when he started talking about the Christmas tree behind him in the studio.

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They had similar problems a few nights ago on the real Look North (as in it's actually up north, rather than 200 miles down south!). They were reading the ten o'clock news and everytime they tried to play a video the same video appeared, no matter what news story they were discussing! Then when they were trying to fix it you could hear the producer talking to the studio and the technical team... we saw the same video about 3 times and then they gave up! Unfortunately it wasn't Carol Malia though... :(

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