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Small, Cute, Furry Pets.


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Whats the point of them? You cant pet them like dogs or cats, they arent intelligent enough to train to do tricks, and frankly, they stink!


Over the years, Ive had Rats, Hamsters and Mice and I got a lot of pleasure from them.


But why? Why do we find so much pleasure from whats basically reptile food?


What do YOU enjoy about your ball of fluff?


Should they be banned in favour of larger, more sane pets?

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I love my chinchillas to bits. To me they are as good as cats or dogs,and they live in my living room alongside the rest of the family.


My daughter has a hamster, and he is a great little character, he likes to make his bed upstairs in his cage, so he fills his pouches with bedding and carries it up.

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I must admit im a not a big lover of small furry things. the only ones i own are of the frozen variety, used as snake food. Our dogs we work, show and they interact as dogs do. The parrot is a character and very chatty and affectionate. the reptiles are more of an art than a hobby: ie: the reward comes from seeing them thrive and breed, and the koi in the pond are justifed by their beauty. cant honestly see any appeal personally in gerbils etc, but hey!! each to their own. the world would be a boring place if we were all the same

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My bunny isn't that small of a furry but he's the funniest thing ever, he usually lives outdoors but we've brought him in for the winter and he's just like a dog! He sits and watches you eat your dinner, if he's out when you're eating he comes over for a sniff and begs for treats. He can occasionally be a little naughty (he unwrapped one of my christmas presents the other night in the 30 seconds i left him unattended) but I wouldn't change him for the world

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Our three rats provide us with many hours of entertainment with their antics, but our hamster has left us doubting the sanity of the smaller type of pet. An example of one of his quirks was his habit of running on the outside of his wheel, this gave credence to the saying "The wheel is turning, but there's no hamster in it".

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Our three rats provide us with many hours of entertainment with their antics, but our hamster has left us doubting the sanity of the smaller type of pet. An example of one of his quirks was his habit of running on the outside of his wheel, this gave credence to the saying "The wheel is turning, but there's no hamster in it".

Mine does that too! Hes damn-well derranged! :D

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I had a rat called Lister when I was a teenager and I managed to train him so that he would recognise his name, come out of the cage when called, walk up my arm and sit on my shoulder or curl round the nape of my neck for hours whilst I did school work or watched telly. He also used to love laying on top of his cage and having his neck massaged :loopy: He was like a miniature dog or cat. He must have been unique though because any other small animal I have had since then haven't had anywhere near that much personality or intelligence.

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