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Broadband without the need for a telephone line


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Some power companies have researched using the mains cabling to relay ADSL signals.


The main drawback is that it generates a lot of wideband radio noise, which causes interference to soem radio services.


Cheers Joe :)


This is something that I currently use because our landlord won't have a telephone line installed, its not the most reliable but it does the trick. Just wondered if this was availble back home :)


The research shall continue.

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The only company in UK that I know of that provides "broadband without a phone line" is Now Wireless Broadband (http://www.mynow.co.uk/index.php).


Trouble is, I only think it's available in the Thames Valley area (nr London), but check their website for full details.


I thought about this when I lived in Slough, but I didn't like the idea of my personal details being sent wirelessly to the nearest access point (I searched their website at the time and couldn't see any details on how my connection was encrypted...

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