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Scart Leads Do You Need Them

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I have a couple of top quality video recorders, the scart leads i use vary between £1 and £5, so they are classed as standard quality.

The scarts on my dvd player and freeviw box are also cheap ones, the picture and sound quality i get is very good.

So i can't see the point in paying £20 -- £30 or more for a special scart lead?

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Do you really see the difference in them ..? i know at one point you could go and pay a deposit at Richer Sounds and they give you a case with leads in from the cheapo's to the really expensive ones to take home and try out ..


Col ..


Oh and the other week i went and installed my brother his new DVD player with home theatre kit and i plugged the player into his tv with HDMI the players instruction book said Very Best Quality .. but to be honest my brother said he couldnt see any difference to the scart lead picture ..

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I have just seen another forummer asking if anyone have for sale good scart leads i.e. gold plated and oxygen free etc.


Do you really need this type for ordinary domestic use or what.


Information please


Scart leads are not used at all in the professional world, so they can only be aimed at domestic users. As to do you need oxygen free / gold plated, all I can say is that at the other end of the chain - the studios/broadcasters don't bother. Bog standard copper & standard connectors nearly all the way.

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gold plated and OFC are only designed for home use as most standard home equipment is of lower quality than Studio equipment, so Gold Plated, and OCF are meant to limit quality loss in the home..


Studios etc do not often need or use OFC and gold plated as the equipment they use is of a much higher standard, and often multi pieces of equipment are linked by manufacturer cables and digital cables..

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Buying expensive cabling is a con.

The only reason for gold plating is for connections which are constantly unplugged. But to be honest standard ones are fine. Ask anyone who has worked as a DJ..

And large capacity cabling is unneccesary. Purely a way to fleece money out of the gullable.

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For most basic home equipment this is true.

For very high quality gear less so but you have to spend a fair bit of cash before top quality leads are of any use.


I disagree.

The bandwith capacity and power transfer of the cheapest leads in good condition, is far higher than anything ever needed by the highest quality equipment, unless you happen to live near a blast furnace or some other source of unavoidable interference.

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