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Things for bored teenagers these holidays?

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You could aways send them to that wonderful theme park in the middle east... it goes by the name of Basra :)


It's actually quite fun.


Even though I was just a civilian contractor I was still allowed to join in on weapons training and if I would have stayed a bit longer I'd have been shown how to operate a tank :(

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Why ever not?! You could experience the insurgent ride and feel the excitement as your armoured personnel vehicle takes multiple hits from small arms fire and have your breath taken away as the rocket propelled grenades slam into your vehicle. I'm buying myself a ticket ;)


There's armoured convoys running from Kuwait to Basra everyday, don't let the news fool you into thinking if you're in a convoy you're doomed!

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I can highly recommend the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television in Bradford. It is highly interactive (e.g. can mock up there own TV broadcasts in a mock studio). It is free/donation:thumbsup:. Also there is an IMAX cinema there, which if you see a 3D film is AMAZING, although this is obviously ticketed, but well worth the money.

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