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Sunny Weekend = Productive Weekend?


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Hello :wave:


I'm a newbie to the forum so just thought I should kick off a new thread. We popped down to the allotment on Sunday and it was gorgeous :D but so so wet from all the rain. So not much was really achieved.


Did anyone get anything constructive done? Anyone got any interesting winter projects underway

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Welcome to the Allotment group, MonkeyMatt! :wave:


I didn't get much done this weekend apart from harvesting the new potatoes we planted in October, ready for Christmas day :D They look fab - the yield wasn't great compared to the new potatoes we had in Spring, but there are still plenty there!


I spent early winter clearing a big chunk of the veggie patch and in the New Year, I hope to start getting planters and beds ready for the new growing season. So, nothing mega exciting in terms of winter projects, but it's all neccessary :)

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Wow Tracie, you've done really well compared with our slow slow progress! Wish we'd got around to putting potatoes in, bet they'll be delicious with Christmas dinner!


Are there any other projects that can be done this time of year? MonkeyMatt and me came up with: put doors on shed, get drains and water butt sorted, make sure shed is weather proof. Is there anything we can put in the ground?

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