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Anyone in process of filling in Police Application form???


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I am in the process of filling in the application form for south yorkshire police. The competency questions are really unreasonable and hard to answer. Although i have things to write about, its not easy putting it into writing that the assessors would understand. Is anyone else filling in the form. How are you coping? Or have you gone through the recruitment process? Any advice? Whats the assesment centre like, etc :help:

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I've got a female friend who has been considering the police as a job option although as I've warned her you have to be very quick off the mark to get an invite to the introductory course.

So I'm just being nosey and wondering what sort of questions are they asking, in other words please can I have an example.

I wonder if they do ask difficult questions in an effort to weed out people who some how have managed to leave school with very poor rreading and writing abilities.

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All the questions in the competency section are to test your core competencies, i.e. teamwork, communication and RESPECT FOR DIVERSITY. They are really big on that. The first question is "Try to recall an occasion when you have challenged someones behaviou that was bullyin, discriminatory or insensitive." Then there are 4 parts to this question asking about the situation and people involved, what eactly you said and did, why you think the person behaved as they did and what the consequences would have been had you not acted.

Not an easy question. Has your friend got application form yet?

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the application is set out in a way that makes people explain their scenarios in ways that are easy to understand but still contain the facts, as getting the facts down correctly are fundamental to police work. from what i remeber the questions were not unreasonable and quite easy to understand. the problem comes if a person has not experienced one of the criterea that the forms asks for.

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I am in the process of filling in the application form for south yorkshire police.


I was under the impression recruitment for SYP had finished for this year? Or is this for the next intake of recruits in 2007?


In fact, I though all applications packs were snapped up in the first day for this years recruitment.


Am I wrong? I ask as I know someone interested in this, any advice appreciated.

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I got the application pack in june. Just not fully completed it yet. You are right they are not sending out any more form at the mo. But should be in the new year. You need to keep checking the south yorkshire police website for updates as the places for recruitment presentaions, where you get the forms from, do fill up very quickly.

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You're not joking they go quickly, I was keeping tabs on the web site for my friend and I swear within two days of applications being invited it was full and so closed down for another few months.

I must admit I didn't find that question all that difficult at least it was worded in easy to understand english. I'd of thought being able to recount details clearly and logically would be very important for a police officer to master otherwise imagine the confusion in any court case where the officer had to give evidence.

I suspect this questionaire is the start of the weeding out process.

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