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Age discrimination is it wrong?

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if a shop holds a license to sell alcohol to over 18's but will not serve alcohol to people unless over21(needing proof)[shop policy], is this not age discrimination as the 18/19/20 year old is legally entitled to buy alcohol from said shop.

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It's a fair point. I am sure that the legal eagles on here will know what the law is on this. What was the proof that you had to supply to prove that you were over 18? Was it an official document such as a driving licence or passport? Perhaps they have had problems before and being over cautious.

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the rule is that if they look under 21 the shop asks for id to prove the person is over 18 if they can prove they are indeed 18/19/20 then they can buy alcohol, there is no discrimination


any buisness that sells alcohol has to by law hold a licence to sell it, selling to anyone under the legal age can result in a large fine or even the buisness losing their licence

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Do shopkeepers not have the right to refuse a sale to anyone no matter what it is? I was led to believe that if a shop doesn't want to sell something to someone then they have the right to refuse the sale.

I heard that the price was only an offer to sell not binding but i am unsure exactly how it works in law.

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Do shopkeepers not have the right to refuse a sale to anyone no matter what it is?


In general yes, but they are not allowed to discriminate on the grounds of age (or race, sex, disability).



However, requiring people who look young to prove they are in fact at least 18, is not discrimination, merely good sense. If a 17-year-old who looks 20 buys alcohol from a shop, it is the shop that has committed an offence.

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I thought age discrimination related to people who are older not younger. The new legislation that has come in or is about to come in relates to people 60 or over in relation to employment and training and then I understood early next year the legislation against age discrimination relates to goods and services delivered to them.


I don't recall any age related legislation relating to younger people as the real issue in our society relates to age discrimination to older people.


In addition, if the selling to under age people wasn't in law somewhere - why would companies and people be fined for selling booze or fags to under age people?

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