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Dont blame the buses


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well yesterday when i pulled up outside the cathedral on the 41 to pick to elderly ladies up they decided it was my fault they hadnt seen a bus for 45 mins when it took me over an hour from bottom of granville road to the cathedral thats what thanks you get.

1 of the old girls asked me if i could tell the time seeing as i should have been having my break but still had to get to the hallamshire and back to halfway i wished i couldnt tell the time next time instead of working through my break i will just head when its time for my break leaving the old dears there as it is my right to a break at the correct time

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The Council Is To Blame, Refer To Todays Star

The one way systems and the traffic flow simply has not improved. Yet again the Sheffield Council waste our tax payers money. Heads need to start rolling as there are people making bad decisions that is effecting our lives for the worse.

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you cant blame us bus drivers for everywhere being gridlocked

No, lets blame the ridiculous number of them instead.


Seriously, why on earth are there so many of the oversized peasant wagons on the roads?


Who in thier right mind would use a bus as an alternative to a car (assuming you own one)?


They are:

A) Expensive

B) Never on time

C) Attract lowlife and scum

D) Stink and are filthy inside

E) Take 10 times longer to complete the same distance as a car

F) Cause traffic delays and holdups

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No, lets blame the ridiculous number of them instead.


Seriously, why on earth are there so many of the oversized peasant wagons on the roads?


Who in thier right mind would use a bus as an alternative to a car (assuming you own one)?


They are:

A) Expensive

B) Never on time

C) Attract lowlife and scum

D) Stink and are filthy inside

E) Take 10 times longer to complete the same distance as a car

F) Cause traffic delays and holdups




A) have low life in them

B) Also get stuck in traffic

C) Drivers who think they are the best in the world and can do no wrong

D) Cause traffic delays and holdups

E) Stink and filthy inside

F) Also takes long time if stuck in a gridlock

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