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Meadowhall arcade games

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piecing a list together from results on google from a "meadowhall arcade" search


soul caliber

mario kart

virtua striker 2002

Snk Vs Capcom Chaos

outrun 2

virtua cop 3


and namco arcades website states

Maxi Tune 2

Fast and Furious

Battle Gear 3

Time Crisis 3


Ghost Squad


Wheel of Fortune

NBA Hoops Basketball


bearing in mind ive never been, dint even know they had an arcade :P

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They also have a mini Bowling alley that costs a quid 50 to play on and supports up to 4 players.... Bit of a con IMO, to get the prize you have to score exactly 103, I did it once but the prize sucked, just some kiddy toy.

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