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A good driving instructor


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I'm currently learning to drive (real pain in the ass) and I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good, qualified driving instructor? I'm currently staying at my parents place in Dore so maybe there are some local to that specific area? I'd appreciate any recommendations! I'm looking for someone friendly - I figure if I'm paying to sit in the car with the guy/girl they should at least be able to give me some good conversation!


Anyone have friends who always complain about what a ******* their driving instructor is? I have a couple actually, and I never understand why they keep them. Unless you get roped in by pleasant behaviour on the first lesson and then you have 10 booked and it's too late! :o


Thanks for any help/tips! Much appreciated.





PS: Sorry if this is in the wrong forum!

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pulas driving school 2324581 she is greatvery friendly i am learning with her now she learns u very quick not like some take ya for a ride give her a call she has spaces available straight after xmas only £18 a lesson and she does pass plus

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A quick search for 'driving schools' or 'instructors' will bring up many many threads in answer to your query.


Oops, you're right, I should've done a search first! Slipped my mind, excuse me. I will also check out the website in your sig though. Thanks

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try Paul Bennett School of Motoring 0114 2348374 or visit web site http://www.paulbennett-schoolofmotoring.co.uk


one piece of advice a qualified driving instructor has to by law display a green badge in the front windscreen, a trainee instructor has a pink badge and anyone giving lessons without a badge is breaking the law.

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