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Does anyone use a Filofax?

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I used a Filofax for years - first the personal size, then I went onto the pocket size but then found the binder too bulky and the more papers I put into it the more bulky it became so I changed to a slimline diary, just leaving a separate address book at home.


However, I still miss the Filofax as it was so handy to have everything in one place but the slimline diary is a lot less bulky.


However, I have now seen some mini size Filofaxes in Boots for £15. I always thought the mini was too small before but now I think that might not be as bulky as the pocket size and I am really tempted.


Does anyone here still use a Filofax and which size do you think is best for a handbag? My handbag isn't too big but it isn't too small either, just medium size.

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I don't use a filofax anymore for the reasons you state.


I use a PDA which links into my work diary so whether I'm at home or work everything is up to date.


Obviously if you don't want to use a PDA or can't afford one then a mini filofax or diary is your best option.

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I did for several years, and although I have a PDA kicking aroudn somewhere I now have a pretty crude system based on notebooks.


I have a diary which is just used for appointments and such, I have a 'Home' book which is a hardbacked notebook that I just write down my To Do lists, priorities and activities in for the forthcoming week (and notes as needed) and a similar book for 'Work'.


I have a document in Word that is my 'Priorities, Aims and Objectives' list that gets looked at and updated occasionally.


It's a mess but it works for me. :)

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I used a Fileofax for years until I finally went digital and got one of these.


I really don't know what I'd do without my phone now. I holds my e-mail and contacts in MS Outlook, and has easy to use versions of MS Word, Excel, Internet Explorer and Powerpoint. It really could be used as a laptop replacement for a few days if you're travelling.


The only thing that I'm not too keen on is using it as an actual phone. It's a bit big to hold to your ear on the tram. :)

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I'm glad I am not the only one! My partner calls mine the "bible" as i carry it around every where with me! They are quite big, and when you have scarps of paper and other bits in, they are heavy, but i dont think i could leave the house without mine! They are really useful for normally disorganised people like myself!

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I love my little filofax.

I seem to have no short-term memory and I am very reliant on it. I have a PDA but prefer the paper based version.


I find it brilliant if on a bus and stuck in traffic I can jot lots of bits and pieces down instead of tutting at the horrible roads, and it knows what everyone is getting for Xmas.

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