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Foreign letters - How do you do it?


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This has been bugging me for a while. Althought I have a German keyboard I am unable to put accents above letters in other languages. I have done it before but can't for the life of me find out how I did it. Can someone put me out of my misery? :help:

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Hi Ally,

there are several ways to do this.

the best way is with a normal english keyboard and using ALT codes.


But as you have a german keyboard, you need to change the default keyboard setting to german.


in windows XP


Start> control panel > Regional and Language options


Languages - Details..


Just add german keyboard and things should be fine...

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Try this:

ALT Keys


Example: Alt-0169 = © or Alt-0174 = ® or Alt-0153 = ™




Alt-0128 € Alt-0252 ü Alt-0129 Alt-0130 ‚ Alt-0131 ƒ

Alt-0132 „ Alt-0253 ý Alt-0133 … Alt-0134 † Alt-0135 ‡

Alt-0136 ˆ Alt-0254 þ Alt-0137 ‰ Alt-0138 Š Alt-0139 ‹

Alt-0140 Œ Alt-0255 ÿ Alt-0141 Alt-0142 Ž Alt-0143

Alt-0144 Alt-0248 ø Alt-0145 ‘ Alt-0146 ’ Alt-0147 "

Alt-0148 " Alt-0249 ù Alt-0149 • Alt-0150 – Alt-0151 —

Alt-0152 ˜ Alt-0250 ú Alt-0153 ™ Alt-0154 š Alt-0155 ›

Alt-0156 œ Alt-0251 û Alt-0157 Alt-0158 ž Alt-0159 Ÿ

Alt-0160 Alt-0244 ô Alt-0161 ¡ Alt-0162 ¢ Alt-0163 £

Alt-0164 ¤ Alt-0245 õ Alt-0165 ¥ Alt-0166 ¦ Alt-0167 §

Alt-0168 ¨ Alt-0246 ö Alt-0169 © Alt-0170 ª Alt-0171 «

Alt-0172 ¬ Alt-0247 ÷ Alt-0173 * Alt-0174 ® Alt-0175 ¯

Alt-0176 ° Alt-0240 ð Alt-0177 ± Alt-0178 ² Alt-0179 ³

Alt-0180 ´ Alt-0241 ñ Alt-0181 µ Alt-0182 ¶ Alt-0183 ·

Alt-0184 ¸ Alt-0242 ò Alt-0185 ¹ Alt-0186 º Alt-0187 »

Alt-0188 ¼ Alt-0243 ó Alt-0189 ½ Alt-0190 ¾ Alt-0191 ¿

Alt-0192 À Alt-0236 ì Alt-0193 Á Alt-0194 Â Alt-0195 Ã

Alt-0196 Ä Alt-0237 í Alt-0197 Å Alt-0198 Æ Alt-0199 Ç

Alt-0200 È Alt-0238 î Alt-0201 É Alt-0202 Ê Alt-0203 Ë

Alt-0204 Ì Alt-0239 ï Alt-0205 Í Alt-0206 Î Alt-0207 Ï

Alt-0208 Ð Alt-0232 è Alt-0209 Ñ Alt-0210 Ò Alt-0211 Ó

Alt-0212 Ô Alt-0233 é Alt-0213 Õ Alt-0214 Ö Alt-0215 ×

Alt-0216 Ø Alt-0234 ê Alt-0217 Ù Alt-0218 Ú Alt-0219 Û

Alt-0220 Ü Alt-0235 ë Alt-0221 Ý Alt-0222 Þ Alt-0223 ß

Alt-0224 à Alt-0231 ç Alt-0225 á Alt-0226 â Alt-0227 ã

Alt-0228 ä Alt-0230 æ Alt-0229 å

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