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Accessing the CD drive of 1 computer from another?


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Hi people,

Me and my brothers computers both use WndowsXP and are connected to the net via a DSL-504 Router.


My question is, Is it possible for him to access my CD drive?


I know it was possible with older versions of Windows but dont know about XP. If its possible, what do I need to do?

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Well, I just right-clicked on my CDROM drive in 'My Computer' and the Sharing and Security option was available, so I think it's worth a try.


Right click, and select the Sharing and Security option, then follow the destructions.

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Hi, you have the same router as me and you certainly can share your drive over the network.

I use the CD/DVD drive on my machine when sitting at my sons pc at least a couple of times a week. I also share the printer on my sons with the rest of the network. Ive had my 504 for about 2 1/2 years now and its never been anything but reliable.

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