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US President George Bush.. Stuffed this time?

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Today's news has been full of the report from the Iraq Study Group, in the USA.


BBC Report On this news topic


The Times Reports Train Iraq Troops and Get Out!



This group is an influential and balanced cross party delegation of senior american politicians. They have basically totally slated George Bush over his policies in the current conflicts. Reporting that Iraq is sliding towards chaos.


According to "those in the know" this report will lose Bush all his credibility which he had with his local supporters. Finally put the nail in the coffin of his presidency.


Apparently at a recent event his father George Bush Senior was seen to break down and cry, he was so frustrated at the damage his son had done to the country's and his family's reputation.


What does everyone think?

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My personal stance on all this is one of total confusion.

The whole affair is just turmoil, no one can work out a clear way forwards in this mess.

It seems to me that this whole affair was going to come about anyway, Saddam, or no Saddam.

If all this was seething under the surface, it would have blown up sooner or later.

The frightening thing here is this.

The USA can survive on its own.

It can retreat into itself, close its borders, and continue without the rest of the World.

That leaves the rest of us to fight it out.

Our enemy are not rational people, they believe that death is paramount, and is something to be desired.

We in the west have sufficient fire power to grant them that wish, but the aftermath is too terrible to contemplate.

I think some one one here recently quoted Einstein, something like 'if WW3 is fought with nuclear bombs, WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones'

It is this we have to carefully consider.

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And where does this leave Tony Blair and all the British

politicians who supported this shameful escapade ?

Apparently Blair comes out of this quite well because, the advice he has been trying to give to Bush privately, has been ignored over the last couple of years.

Here this same advice has been shoved in Bush's face for all the world to see.



As I write this I am no/ have never been a supporter of Blair in his Iraq policy.

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George Bush has hitherto always looked bright and cheerful but yesterday looked as if he hadn't slept a wink. The wheels have really come off his waggon.


I disagree with artisan on this:

It seems to me that this whole affair was going to come about anyway, Saddam, or no Saddam.

If all this was seething under the surface, it would have blown up sooner or later.

The frightening thing here is this.

The USA can survive on its own.

I actually think American isolationism, if it were to occur, would increase not reduce our security.


I don't agree with muddycoffee on this:

Apparently Blair comes out of this quite well because, the advice he has been trying to give to Bush privately, has been ignored over the last couple of years.

There's little for Blair to be proud of: unless a lot of spinning is going on!


Possibly the biggest villain in this whole episode is Vice President Dick Cheney who, I have read, "had a 'fever' to invade Iraq and transform the politics of the Middle East and was the leading force within the administration convincing President Bush of the need to do so". As Cheney was elected, and will not be standing for a further term, there is no sanction which can be taken against him: short of the now Democrat-controlled Congress impeaching him.

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