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Making myself sneeze...

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Yep it really works that, does anyone know why?


I can't remember what program I saw this on, but apparently your sinus and optical nerves run parallel to each other, so if you look at bright lights then the electrical impulses on your optic nerve can interfere with your sinus nerve and cause you to sneeze.


It's never made me sneeze outright, but if you're on the verge it seems to do the job.

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Hello, is there a way to make yourself sneeze? Serious question, as i feel it helps a sore throat.



Im glad i now see im not the only one that says sneezing helps a sore throat, it tend to get rid of the pain when you sneeze the goo out of your throat, my freinds think im a bit :loopy: when i tell them to try it. Im always makeing myself sneeze by tickle the nostrils with paper or even pressing your finger nail under your nose does it to too. some reason the light thing never worked on me.

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Yep it really works that, does anyone know why?


It works for about a third of people, and it's something to do with the nerves in the eyes and nose sending mixed messages, I forget the physical details. I read it recently.



For the other two-thirds of people, looking at a bright light won't do jack-diddly-squat to make them sneeze.

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