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Unwanted Reptiles? Read This!!


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Hi, I have a small colection of reptiles snakes lizards ect which we have rescued from all over the UK. We will take almost any reptiles on that need a new home, we are well exuiped and have good knowledge on the matter. In some cases we can offer cash for your reptile. A LOVING HOME IS ALWAYS ASSURED WITH US!!. We will also keep you upto date with any develpments eg, pictures ect. We can collect localy


Thanks for taking the time to read this post, (we do not hold DWA so cannot take on Dangerous animals) sorry!

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Sorry to be so suspiscious but I have never heard of a rescue which offers money for animals? There was a guy on here not long ago trying to pull of a 'reptile rescue' scam to get free animals which would otherwise cost a fortune to purchase and care for. I think its the need to advertise that bothers me, rescues usually have people come to them for help.


How long have you been doing this and what are your rehoming policies?

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I understand your concerns entirely, we are not a charity of any kind, we quite simply have a love for reptiles and know how to take good care of them. It's not simply a case of getting animals for free more of an offer to care for the ones that are unwanted or where people have bought them not knowing what there letting themselves in for. We have been collectng for over 2 years.


One example for you:

A bloke down south was a snake breader, one of his corn snakes was born deformed making feeding her a difficulty, and breading her would be impossable! he was going to destroy the snake so we offered to take it, We still have her now, she is eating qute well but we have to handle her 24hours after a feed so that she can squeez the food past her deformaties.


I will also point out that we do not sell or pass on any animals.

We currently have.........

1 Corn snake (deformed)

2 waterdragons (1 underweight one that lost its tail and was unwanted)

1 bearded dragon bought as a pet.

2 leopard geckos (owner was bored with them didnt clean them out so we gave him cash for them)


I hope this puts your suspicions to rest, thanks for your post

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Yes thats fine, thanx for explaining your intentions. You will find there are quite a few reptile enthusiasts on here, look out for bluesandtwos and carpetviper im sure you could have some interesting converations with them.

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we took it off a friend of a friend who no longer wanted it, not realising how bad they had allowed its tempermant to get. We are no experts when it comes to reptiles but we tried our best, handling im everyday to try and tame him. We wore gloves and he did strike but he also liked to constrict, though we persevered with this. The final straw was when he went for my face, I couldnt bring myself to handle him anymore and it shook the OH up too.


So we decided he needed someone with more patience and experience than us and cv was already interested as he has an albino rat of his own.

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hi hidden!. Pleased to see another reptile fan on the forum. I currently have royal pythons of assorted morphs, corn snakes and 3 species of dart and tree frog. white lipped pythons are on the cards, but sadly, most of the ones i have found are WC, so wont touch them. If you ever need help with a foster, give me a shout, pretty good at getting non feeding snakes to eat!

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