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How often do you wash?

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I've heard about Queen Elizabeth I who used to have a bath once a year whether she needed it or not...


When I was growing up (in Australia) as a child I only had one bath a week because of the laborious process of getting hot water. Other times it was just a brief wash in the sink. It seems not to have done me any harm and in fact I think I'm more resistant to germs than many modern people who are far too squeaky clean! Why the insistence on deodorising everything in sight??


A little bit of dirt does you good.

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We bathed twice a week when we were kids, I do the same with mine now.


As for me, I wash when I get the time, which, as the old woman who lived in a shoe, is about 3 times a week. I have never been ill or lost friends if I ever bathed less so I don't have a problem with not bathing every day. I don't think it's necessary, it's a waste of time (mine, anyway) and can make the skin vulnerable to various undesireable conditions dure to stripping it of its protective layer (sebum).


A little bit of dirt does you good.

Can't fault ya there mate!

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We had a bath just once a week when we were kids, 5 people in the house, one bath a night, took so long for the water to get hot then it would run cold in the bath if you didn't keep an eye on it, I remember sitting on the side on the bath holding my hand under the tap waiting for the hot water to run out, didn't get that hot that you couldn't do that.


Also the old joke about only having a bath only on a Saturday night in the olden days wasn't true either, not enought hot water for every one to have one on the same night.

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...wash my face first thing in the morning, otherwise i just can't seem to get my eyes to work properly - lovely freezing cold water. shower and wash hair every night - i just love feeling all clean, and my hair gets pretty gorey if it isn't washed at least every second day. i like going to be all pink and warm and clean! the baby gets a bath every 2-3 days (and an extra one to dechlorinate her if she's been swimming), and a bit of a spit and polish every day that she doesn't have a bath. the husband is made to shower every day whether he wants to or not, as he's rather physical and prone to stinking like a biohazardous chemical in a room full of rugby players.

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