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Are you called Peter?

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In short, a world record attempt to have the biggest collection of people with the same name, in the same place. And that name shall be Peter!!


Currently the record stands at 1,244 people called Jones gathered together in Cardiff a few weeks ago. A grand hope it may be, but the dream is to have around 2,000 Peters in one location (the location?, Well, it’ll be Peterborough of course)


Anyway, Sheffield should stand side by side amongst the Peters of the world. I want every Peter on this site (and I’ve meet a few of you, I know who you are). To firstly go here:




Then add you name on this thread, and show the power of Peter!!!


We even have even created our own theme song, celebrating the greatest name is the history of names!!!!!!


Give Pete a Chance!


I don’t see any songs celebrating the wonder of people called Ian, Jeff, Steven or Tracy. No, the reason? Those names stink.


In fact, you should be ashamed to have a name not called Peter. I would recommend you go to this link:


Click here, non Peter'ons


And change you name to "Peter ‘pete’ Peterson", you’ll be happier, more successful and a more generally well rounded person (be you a girl or boy)


My name is Peter, goodnight Sheffield.

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