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Out of Memory displayed


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Internet is usually OK, but recently on WORD when attempting to print, I get 'Out of Memory' followed by:-


Windows Virtual Memory minimum is too low.

Your system is low on virtual memory. Windows is increasing the size of your virtual memory paging file. During this process, memory requests for some applications may be denied. For more information, see help.


so why is it short......what may prevent .......and can I avoid (in beginners language please)!!!!



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virtual memory is hard drive space being used instead of normal ram


best thing is.....install more ram :P


to change your virtual memory settings go to

right click on my computer / properties / advanced / settings / advanced / virtual memory

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Virtual memory should be half of your system memory for best performance.


It probably needs more at the moment because you may have installed a new programme that takes up more memory ? or because a new update uses more memory ?


IE many people have reported that upgrading to FireFox 2 uses more memory that FireFox 1.

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Every time you run a program it uses a bit of memory (RAM). If you have loads of windows open, each one is using some of the RAM memory. If you need more memory than you have in RAM, Windows uses some of the hard drive as memory - this is what is known as virtual memory.


If you have a motherboard in your PC that has onboard graphics that will take at least 32Meg of RAM to start with. Windows needs quite a bit of RAM just to run in the first place, so it doesn't take much to use what is left (printing may require quite a chunk of memory, depending upon what you are printing). The amount of virtual memory you have changes if you need more. This is all that the message is telling you. As melthebell says, adding more RAM is really the only thing you can do to stop the message, unless you add a seperate video card (if you currently have onboard video).

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Every time you run a program it uses a bit of memory (RAM). If you have loads of windows open, each one is using some of the RAM memory. If you need more memory than you have in RAM, Windows uses some of the hard drive as memory - this is what is known as virtual memory.


So would this mean i don't really need more RAM if I have loads of HD spare?


i sometimes wonder if i could be suffering not updating (XP pro) but once when I did I lost loads of things - internet included,and it was difficult to recover.


My PC sometimes does 'not respond' and requests reports to Windows, most I don't bother with as the advice is no good - usually just offers updates.

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The major problem with using virtual memory is that with virtual memory on the hard drive it takes longer to access the memory than if you are accessing RAM. This means it takes more time for things to to happen, so your PC runs slower.


Having said that, the PC I use for burning DVDs etc often gives the same message. I just let it get on with it, because I'm not in a rush to use the PC for anything else, so it doesn't matter how long it takes (within reason of course).

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