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Are people getting fatter? - Is it just in sheffield?


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Embarassingly yes.


Although take comfort, chesterfield are way ahead of us, its not a dig, but the people there are on par with America.


Funny how different cities have trends, coventry also has lots and i mean LOTS of emo's and people who prefer the same sex, go there now and again to visit and friend and am always aware of it, not saying its a bad thing at all but % of people that fit in these groups is scary lol

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It's not really a new thing - we lived in Doncaster in the early 90's, and the average size of the average bint round town was larger than the rest of the country then. South Yorkshire has always had an unhealthy population ;)

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size 8 and below in my personal opinion look ill and often like they need a good meal


Depends on their height. My stepsister is 5 feet and half an inch, and she's a size 8 and still looks chubby.



And anyway, to the OP, yes people are getting fatter. We're still adapted to food being scarce, and have a strong propensity to eat as much as possible, whenever possible, to counter long periods of no food. Now that periods of no food simply do not occur, we're overeating.

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