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Behaviour tips...help


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Stay calm, don't pay him too much attention when he's like that and give him lots of praise. Lots of children do it and if you take it in your stride, praise the good things, have fun together and he will get over it and so will ......you until the next developmental hurdle, hey that's being a parent....enjoy it it goes by so fast

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hey thanks, ive been doin time out with him which seems to be working, its hard in public though u know what must parents r like they just give u dirty looks and dont let their children go near yours, u wud think they wud be sypmatetic wouldnt u????????? as long as im not alone and its just a phase hopefully he will get through it asap. do things get better or worse when they r 2 and a half???????????

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I think a lot of parents are sympathetic but some are just wary. When my girls were around 6 months old a 2 yr old at the local playgroup came up and started hitting one of my girls and watching my face.

Because of her mum she had learned this got her attention. She later dug her nails into my daughters skin and cut her, leaving her with 3 rake style marks on her face (it healed but she screamed for England).

She did it again another day, months later and anytime I went after that I kept my kids away from her.

So, although I feel sorry for the mother, I feel more protective of my kids. I'm sure you'd feel the same if some other persons kid was doing to your son what he does to them.

He will get over it and the advice above and your current actions will work. Good luck!

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hey thanks, ive been doin time out with him which seems to be working, its hard in public though u know what must parents r like they just give u dirty looks and dont let their children go near yours, u wud think they wud be sypmatetic wouldnt u????????? as long as im not alone and its just a phase hopefully he will get through it asap. do things get better or worse when they r 2 and a half???????????

They are all totally unique I'm afraid! - my 1st child started the terrible 2's at 15 months and it continued til he was 4!! But you'd NEVER believe it now! He's now 10 and really lovely and well behaved. He does well at school and everybody loves him. can't believe it's the same kid sometimes!! Hang in there!

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yeah i know what u mean but i think the dirty looks r inappropiate surely there kid has or will do something similar along the way.

hes a lovely little boy 80% of the time just gets carried away and its usually over toys and stuff. im sure he will get over it. it does get u down tho but hes just a typical boy at the end of the day and just learning and testing the boundries

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my 2 year old son is abit of a nightmare at the moment goin through phases of biting, hitting and pushing other children any ideas of how to stop him its driving me insane.

Here are some things that we have tried with our 3 year old. We have had some success, but its hard to keep at it all the time!

Sticker chart - One for young children in the shape of a tree with 5 large apples on. Put a sticker on an apple when they do something good and when the tree is full they get a treat (eg watch favourite video, play football with grandad, painting, computer, whatever they like to do). You reward them for really simple things at first like sitting on a chair nicely to eat their food, standing still to put their shoes on, sharing a toy etc. and make a great fuss of them when they are good (become a bit of an actress!).

Time out on bottom step - When naughty remove from scene and all attention by sitting on bottom step of stairs for 2 minutes. Buy a 2 minute sand timer off ebay and let them know when sand has all gone they can get up. If they carry on a tantrum on step add another 2 mins.


You have my sympathies. These problems are very difficult. Get some time out. Do your shopping while he is at nursery/creche or whatever. Hope things improve.

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i agree with yellowrose, and practice same. when this happens in pubilc i remove my child from the cause and use distraction techniques. i understand to well what its like in public as my eldest has behaviour problems, but dont let it get to you, remember nobodys child is perfect all of the time. you are obviously a good parent or you would not be seeking advice.if this is your first child you will look back at each phase an think "gosh that was easy compared to this one" its trial and error.:D

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