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Does anyone Else have problems with Plusnet!!


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Sounds like either a phone line issue or a modem / network configuration issue.


I don't think plusnet would be doing the disconnecting, its more likely your end that is disconnecting from the network for one reason or another.


Are you using a USB modem by any chance? If so they always disconnect, its something to do with the windows (connection/dial up) settings, its a bodge at best using a USB modem and getting windows to dial #0 or something.

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cheers for the replies lads, Well they say its prob our router or something and say its nothing on there side. What my housemates thinks is that when more the one persons goes on the band width doesnt get shared equally between all us ( he plays this wizard game (cows as warriors with stupid graphics lol) and chucks people off. And no none of us us wireless we are all connected through wires

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I think it is most likely the phone line. What is the voice quality like, does it crackle? You can get BT to do a test for nothing. I think there is an automated system.


Since 99 I've lived in 4 houses in Sheffield and 3 had line problems which caused drop outs.

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We thought we had connection issues with Plusnet, and after getting no answers theough they'd done all sorts of investigations, one of their team who is a member on here gave me the log of disconnections made over 2 days.


Plusnet had caused only one of the long list :(


I have since found out my router stops communicating by wireless though it's lights stay lit :suspect: as if I plug a cable in the back of it I can get online :mad:


Anyway - it's not likely to be Plusnet if they've finished their upgrades now, but ask them for the log of disconnection causes :thumbsup:

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Me and my hosuemates have ben with them for 7 months or so and it seems to disconnect almost all the time ...espec when more then 1 of us is on at ayone time... Any ideas?


Hi there,


If you're still having problems, PM me your username and I'll take a look for you.




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Sounds like modem to me (but could also be line).


Some routers have problems with the total amount of global connections going through them, if one person is doing p2p or something and it creates hundreds of conenctions then the modem may just bail out.


What modem you using ?

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