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Pond Cleaning Before Winter Sets In.


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I just got back from cleaning the pump and filter for my pond out. It was bloody freezing, but I had to do it.

I chopped all the lillies and reeds down, pulled the dead leaves out and generally cleared up. I suggest all pond users get out and get stuck in NOW because it was a horrible experience, and its only going to get colder.

A friend gave me a pond plant last week called.... Parrots feather? Anyone ever heared of it? I stuck some into the pond and some into a bucket of water where Ill keep it until spring, just in case the winter kills the pond bits.

Anyone have any tips and hints about ponds in wintertime?

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Parrot's feather (myriophyllum aquaticum) pondweed, is an alien species.

It was introduced into this country in nineteen-sixty. In its wild environment it has to be controlled,

as it can take over large ponds and water courses.

Sounds about right for Jabberwocky, do'nt it. :)

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Parrot's feather (myriophyllum aquaticum) pondweed, is an alien species.

It was introduced into this country in nineteen-sixty. In its wild environment it has to be controlled,

as it can take over large ponds and water courses.

Sounds about right for Jabberwocky, do'nt it. :)


My dads always been a fan of parrots feather - provides and excellent display and to be honest in our pond its never become invasive - duckweed and hornwort is our pest!! Though hornwort is one of the great oxygenating plants that fish leave alone!

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Really, cleaning out a pond should be done at around the end of August, especially if there are frogs/toads/newts in it. If the water is clear, then there's not much need to clear anything out unless it's very full. Best to take a bit of stuff out at a time, then leave it near the pond so that any life in the mush you dredge out can make its way back into the pond.

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