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Double Standards for Parking Wardens


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I was really hacked off this morning


I wandered down to Sharrowvale Road at about 915AM (Saturday)


As I was queueing in a shop a white van pulls on the pavement outside

The road here has a single yellow prohibiting parking on Saturday at this time

The pavement had no signs but common sense says you dont park on it


Out jumps a damned parking warden

On the side of his van were the council parking stickers


A traffic warden parking illegally and obstructing the pavement!!!!!!!


So what did he do next?

Ticket lots of dangerously parked cars I hear you ask?


Well no


He went into the butchers and ordered a number of bacon butties

If i was guessing one each for everyone back at the office


This made me seethe


I tried to phone the number on the van - no answer


Is it any wonder they get so much bad press?


For the record it was a small white van with the appropriate markings on a Newcastle registration


There - rant over, I feel better now



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Its a pity that some of the people who are wanting the bobby to lose his job who went through the speed camera havent jumped on this thread.


In relation to the Parking Wardens and their hit and run attitude, I have just received the reply to an appeal I put in about a ticket I got issued with when they did a bit of hit and run enforcement down at Bramall Lane one Saturday in September.


I got a ticket for contravening a double yellow line on a street near to the bottom of East Bank Road, having parked my vehicle on a bit of spare mud between the road and actual footpath.


I looked up some advice via the internet and went down with a camera and took a few pictures and then sent in my letter.


Suffice it to say they never asked for the pictures which would have shown my point, but they have in my situation decided to cancel the ticket. !!:D


If any of the forum members ever get a ticket, then consider the appeals process, as for the price of a stamp, a well worded letter and a few photos taken after a bit of research on the internet I have saved myself £30.


The letter does say that I will not be able to appeal against a ticket if I park there again and if I get chance to go down that road they will have repaired the areas I pointed out to them as causing the lines down there to be unenforceable.


I did notice that across from where I parked they had put down some more double yellow lines which are also defective as I understand it from the reading I have done.


So all you motorists out there, if you do get a ticket for double yellow lines go and have a good look and take photos if necessary.


For example are the lines broken by a section of newly laid tarmac or road repair, are they broken because they have simply worn out in places. ?

If they go round the corner into the entrance of another building or company say, at the point where they are ended, is there a yellow line painted across them to finish them off which should go up to the footpath kerb. ??


These are the things I found out by looking around on the internet and it might just be worth your while sending in a letter to see what happens.


If the appeal is unsuccessful, you still get the chance to pay at the reduced rate of £30.00 which you could have done within the 28 day period intially.


I have a family member who they keep issuing tickets to at match days and he is registered disabled and not just an abuser of the blue badge scheme, so I am going to have a word with him and his dad and hope he appeals against his next ticket.


Good Luck with your appeals.:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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