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Baby hamsters.CHRISTMAS IDEA??


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Baby Hamsters Will Be Ready For Christmas!!!!!


£3 Each Or Two For £5


If You Cannot Wait For The Babies And Would Like One Of The Older Babies Now Then Let Me Know As We Have Hamster Ready For Homes Right Now



We Are Running Out Of Room And Need Them Housed Asap




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Why not? Granted an animal is not just for Christmas, but what difference does it make if it's given as a Christmas gift or just as a gift? :huh:



people tend to buy them at christmas without thinking fully about the care the animal needs, Why do you think the rehoming charitys stop rehoming over the christmas period? kids tend to put pressure on parents at this time of the year and parents give in,

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You know, when I was small I was given a Hamster as a Xmas pressie, it was great. I looked after it and he lived for four years!


I think as long as the child knows that he/ she will have to care for it and the parents are responsible there is nothing wrong with giving a pet for Christmas.

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Unfortunately I have come across rather a lot of cases where the children have become bored and the adults cant be bothered with the responsibility they so happily palmed off on to their children, so the animal is rehomed. Ive noticed an alarming increase in the amount of pets being given away the last couple of weeks too. Sometimes it hits an expensive period and people get rid of the pets to save money.


(Before someone picks up on it, the rabbits I have are rescues and are being rehomed after checking that the owners are not planning on presenting them as xmas gifts. They are not unwanted pets.)


catvicky22 I was the same as a child but was never allowed a pet for xmas nor were they used to teach me responsibility. Some children are naturally just in touch with their animals.

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Sozz22: Aye, I appreciate what you are saying. I know that Xmas is a bad time for rehoming, having volunteered at a cats home before I have seen that. But I honestly do think that not all children will lose interest in a pet. If its a gift now or in July, then the risk is the same.


My parents didnt make me learn responsibility from the Hamster, I just knew I wanted a pet and knew when I had him, that i wanted to take care of him.


But I suppose in some cases you are right, the animals are not always cared for... still I hate to tar everyone with the same brush.

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believe me I dont think all children will and at the end of the day I dont hold the kids to blame anyway, its the adults which are not willing to pick up where the kids left off that cause problems. A child is never solely responsible for an animal, it always falls to the parent at the end of the day. I have rehomed to parents with children in the past but only when I am satisfied that the parent will accept total responsibility for the welfare of the animal regardless of how the child may come to feel about it as time passes.

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