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Should I let my 10 year old son have a MSN account???


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I'd let him have it. What harm would it cause?


Like Bladesufc said, you can save all his conversations. But I'd tell him this, otherwise he'd feel quite upset with the lack of privacy - even if he wasn't doing anything wrong. Its like reading your child's diary or something!

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I'd let him have it. What harm would it cause?


Like Bladesufc said, you can save all his conversations. But I'd tell him this, otherwise he'd feel quite upset with the lack of privacy - even if he wasn't doing anything wrong. Its like reading your child's diary or something!



I would also let him have, just ensure his use is supervised and he is made aware of the dangers of the Internet.

I started using MSN when I was 11, and to be honest I don't think you will have too many problems.

If you don't allow your son to use MSN, he may find an alternative way, and that would possible be unsupervised....not good in my opinion.

I was only allowed to have my friends added to my MSN account until I was 13, even then my mum felt she should still be vetting them.:hihi:

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i have a 10yr old son and he as had an msn account for about a yr now,but this was only because he was always coming home from school or football practice and saying someone had asked him for his msn account,so infact he was one of the last in his friends to be allowed one,but honestly we have never had any problems and to tell the truth the newness as wore off now and he hardley uses it.

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I think he will be fine as my daughter is 10 and has one they have to accept new people on to it. If I see new names on her list I ask who they are if I dont recognise them. You can easily keep an eye on who they are talking to.


In my experience they dont seem to say anything except "wat u doin" and then the answer is "nuffin" end of conversation!

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