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Adding a pc in to a camper van?


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mmmm. i'd get a lappy for this kinda thing, just would a PC be ok bouncing about in the back ? Also if you going away you can hide the lappy somewhere, where as a PC would be in full view and an easy stealing target.

yah i told him to get a lappy but he wants a pc in it :loopy:

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If he's fixed on a PC then at least get one with a flat screen display. :)


A desktop PC will have a mains power requirement, which in principle could be met by using a 12V to 240V inverter of a suitable power rating. You're probably best looking at a 600W inverter - that should give you more than enough capacity. Make sure that it's got a 'clean' output that's reasonably well regulated.


Now...when you run an inverter from the battery, the inverter will carry on producing a mains output typically until the battery voltage goes down to 10V or so on most units. Whether the camper van will start up with a battery like that is another matter, so be careful of using the PC too much. He might want to consider a separate battery charged from the engine, but isolated from the ignition system to power the PC inverter.


I've flattened car batteries before using amateur radio gear, and you also need to bear in mind the fact that a car battery is designed to source a high current for a short time, rather than a moderate current for a long period of time. It will work, but the life expectancy of a battery used in this way will be shorter tha expected. You could of course run the engine to provide power whilst using the PC, but it would be wasteful of fuel.


Hope this helps.

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If he's fixed on a PC then at least get one with a flat screen display. :)


A desktop PC will have a mains power requirement, which in principle could be met by using a 12V to 240V inverter of a suitable power rating. You're probably best looking at a 600W inverter - that should give you more than enough capacity. Make sure that it's got a 'clean' output that's reasonably well regulated.


Now...when you run an inverter from the battery, the inverter will carry on producing a mains output typically until the battery voltage goes down to 10V or so on most units. Whether the camper van will start up with a battery like that is another matter, so be careful of using the PC too much. He might want to consider a separate battery charged from the engine, but isolated from the ignition system to power the PC inverter.


I've flattened car batteries before using amateur radio gear, and you also need to bear in mind the fact that a car battery is designed to source a high current for a short time, rather than a moderate current for a long period of time. It will work, but the life expectancy of a battery used in this way will be shorter tha expected. You could of course run the engine to provide power whilst using the PC, but it would be wasteful of fuel.


Hope this helps.

thanks joeP i'll be sure to tell him :thumbsup:

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